Monclova Road Baptist Church preaching ministry and teaching times that are here to help you grow in your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We want this time each week to be refreshing and encouraging for you. If you have not checked us out in person, we encourage you to come and visit us at 7819 Monclova Road, Monclova OH. Or watch our stream each week at monclovabaptist.org. You can also view us locally on Sunday nights at 8pm on WLMB in Toledo, OH and the surrounding areas.

Sunday Aug 02, 2020

Sunday Jul 26, 2020

Friday Jul 24, 2020
Life After Anxiety and Depression With George Riddell
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
To wrap up our series on anxiety and depression, we are joined by Pastor George Riddell. We hope that this conversation is both helpful and hopeful as we hear from Pastor Riddell about his personal battles with anxiety and depression.
0:16 Pastor Riddell's Testimony
12:51 Is there life after anxiety and depression?
15:53 Can a Christian really be depressed?
19:37 What does it look like to live with depression?
23:27 Are there certain things that trigger anxiety or depression?
26:25 What does it mean when the Bible says that we are body, soul, and spirit?
28:03 Can a person’s emotional wellbeing affect their spiritual wellbeing?
31:40 What are physical contributors to anxiety and depression?
37:40 How do you use accountability to keep yourself healthy?
39:44 Is it wrong to seek medical solutions for mental needs?
48:30 What are spiritual contributors to anxiety and depression?
56:47 What helps you stay alert to the battle with anxiety and depression?

Thursday Jul 23, 2020
The Effects of Anxiety and Depression With Harley Snode
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Pastors Jeremy Rands and Harley Snode discuss the effects of anxiety and depression on an individual and their loved ones. Harley Snode is the Senior Pastor of North Life Baptist Church in Wooster, OH.
4:30 Why do you believe that we should talk about depression and anxiety?
9:38 How do we remove stigmas surrounding mental health?
15:45 How should Christians process misguided assumptions about mental health?
25:30 What causes anxiety?
34:00 What are unhealthy ways to process anxiety?
37:20 What help is available for people with anxiety?
40:00 What are the foundations and differences between anxiety and depression?
45:05 How can someone keep depression from defining their life?
48:35 How can someone battling depression find help?
50:11 How can someone help a loved one battling anxiety or depression?
55:25 What would you tell someone who is having a difficult time expressing their need for help?
1:00:50 What role does Scripture play in our recovery process?
Recommended Resources
Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure by Robert Kellemen https://www.amazon.com/Anxiety-Anatomy-Cure-Gospel-Real/dp/1596384182
Depression: The Sun Always Rises by Margaret Ashmore https://www.amazon.com/Depression-Always-Rises-Gospel-Real/dp/1596386258
Depression: The Way Up When You Are Down by Ed Welch https://www.amazon.com/Depression-When-Resources-Changing-Lives/dp/0875526829

Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Helping Teens and Young Adults Through Anxiety and Depression With Kelli Burns
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
As we continue in our series on anxiety and depression, we wanted to take some time to talk about the growing needs for discussions about mental health with teens, young adults, and their parents. Today's guest is Kelli Burns. Kelli is an experienced Christian counselor and a member of Monclova Road Baptist Church.
24 Hour/Crisis Help:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
Crisis Text Line – Text 4HOPE to 741741
Toledo Area Christian Counselors:
Northwest Ohio Christian Counseling 4041 W. Sylvania Ave., Suite LL2 419-724-7427 www.northwestohiochristiancounseling.com
Hope Counseling 4041 W. Sylvania Ave, Suite LL3 419-724-4233 https://hopecounselingtoledo.com
National Christian Counselors:
Focus on the Family – Christian Counselors Network https://christiancounselors.network
American Association of Christian Counselors https://connect.aacc.net/?search_type=distance
Additional Reading:
Focus on the Family website – search by topic and age range www.focusonthefamily.com
National Institute of Mental Health https://www.nimh.nih.gov/index.shtml
2:20 Is anxiety (and depression) becoming more prevalent among teens and young adults?
4:00 Why is this important to understand the trends of anxiety and depression?
6:10 What are the symptoms of depression in a teenager?
9:12 Are personality changes from anxiety and depression instant or progressive?
10:30 What are the differences between depression in teens and adults?
13:45 What is the difference between anxiety and depression?
18:00 What should a parent do if they believe that their child is depressed?
20:27 How do I get help with anxiety or depression?
25:16 What does getting help look like?
26:25 What if my child doesn’t want to get help?
29:05 Should a parent seek help even if a child is not ready to speak to a counselor?
30:55 Can untreated depression lead toward the possibility of suicide?
33:40 Should a parent proactively address the topic of suicide or wait for their child to begin the conversation?
35:37 How would you (Kelli) speak to the stigma often felt by those dealing with depression?
37:54 Are depression and anxiety exclusively spiritual issues?
41:15 Where can someone go for help?

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
What is Depression? With Robert Bakss
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
For our first conversation, Robert Bakss helped us to understand what anxiety is and how we can take steps to overcome it. Tonight, we will be discussing what depression is, how to identify it, and where we can go for help.
1:35 How would you define depression? What are its symptoms?
7:44 How important is it to understand the different forms of depression?
14:29 Who in the Bible suffered from depression?
18:04 Is depression something people can have victory over?
18:54 Is depression a sign of a character flaw or spiritual problem?
21:03 What are the common causes of depression?
24:20 How does our hope in God relate to depression?
30:42 Why may someone hide symptoms of depression?
34:02 Can someone handle depression without help?
37:04 What are the results of someone battling depression not seeking help?
40:53 Where can someone battling depression first look for help?
42:32 How can you help someone who doesn’t understand their need for help?
For more information from Pastor Bakss visit www.robertbakss.com.
His books are available through Amazon in paperback or on kindle. https://www.amazon.com/s?i=digital-text&rh=p_27%3ARobert+Bakss&s=relevancerank&text=Robert+Bakss&ref=dp_byline_sr_ebooks_1
For more information on Dealing with Anxiety and Depression visit www.monclovabaptist.org/anxiety.

Monday Jul 20, 2020
What is Anxiety? With Robert Bakss
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Anxiety and depression, while they have similarities, are different battles. As we discover how to deal with anxiety and depression, it's important to know the difference between the two, and how we can best respond to each one. In our first conversation with Pastor Robert Bakss, we are asking the question "what is anxiety?"
1:04 Introducing Pastor Robert Bakss
6:24 How did you (Pastor Bakss) become involved in speaking on mental health?
12:18 How can someone find your books/resources?
13:30 What does the Bible say about mental health?
22:20 What are anxiety disorders?
28:16 What factors contribute to anxiety disorders?
33:00 Do external factors (e.g. COVID-19) create new fears or reveal anxiety beneath the surface?
37:25 What are some bad ways that we can respond to fears?
39:30 Why do some people not seek help?
45:39 How can we care for those battling anxiety?
50:40 What practical steps can I take when I have anxiety?
For more information from Pastor Bakss visit www.robertbakss.com.
His books are available through Amazon in paperback or on kindle.
For more information on Dealing with Anxiety and Depression visit www.monclovabaptist.org/anxiety.

Sunday Jul 19, 2020

Sunday Jul 12, 2020

Sunday Jul 05, 2020